Sunday, February 04, 2007

My heart...

I thank God for good friends who can somehow manage to speak life where there is defeat. I really thank God for friends who are honest, even when it hurts. I really needed someone to care for me tonight and God did send, as He always does. I read the study below after and was thinking, it is easy for me to aknowledge that God has given me all good things in my life, but it is the negative I struggle with. Can it be true that God actually preordained the fight, and through it His power will be shown. Is it true that it is in the times of hardship that He is guiding us, that he actually wants it, to help us come to a greater knowledge of Him? It is true! And I feel like, as always, God is working on my heart. Will I recieve and respond or will I allow pride to sneak in and push away the Truth. I will not allow that. I will recieve. I need to learn to lay down my rights and trust that God will do my bidding for me. I will trust that he is not going to let me fall, and he will not let my spirit be broken. I need to exalt Him above the situation as he is Lord over all and see the truth, not the lies. I need to see Him, not me, my hurt. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and that you are the one who controls the wind and the waves in every storm, not me. Thank you that I don't need to be the one to save me. Man, I would just fail, but you will take me under your wing and I will find rest.
I Love you Ruth!

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