Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A few things you may like to know.

Here they are:
I LOVE blogging!
I have a hard time committing to things that I really do want to do.
And I plan to begin blogging again!

And on to other things. I am pleased to announce the arrival of 2011, a little late. That is okay. I am just excited that God has granted me another year beginning to experience more great things!

A few things coming up...

Adam and I will be celebrating our 10th year anniversary!!! Crazy to think! But at the same time, well, these 10 years have been packed!

Planning on getting in the best health of my life this year, we shall see how that goes. This does not mean I will be cutting out a tonne of stuff, just more exercise and things like that.

The kids are really hoping to read through the bible this year. That means I read and they listen, which is great. I told them it will probably take more than a year as we talk through each bit so much we can only get through about 2 chapters a day and they agreed that that is fine.

I plan on reading 10-20 books this year besides my bible reading with the kids. This is hard for me as I find it hard to have time to read but that is what I would like to do.

Well, shall write again soon and maybe get a few new pics on! Hope blog world has not completely abandoned our little place here. I will try to spruce things up too. God bless to you all!!!


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